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Internal Dental Bleaching and Cosmetic Dentistry in Carlisle, PA

Dr. Killian offers internal teeth whitening as part of his cosmetic dentistry practice based in Carlisle, PA. Unlike regular dental bleaching, internal teeth whitening removes stains and discoloration from within the tooth cavity itself.

Not every tooth is a candidate for internal dental bleaching. Only teeth that have undergone root canal treatments qualify for this type of cosmetic surgery, as their nerves have been removed. Internal bleaching would be too painful to consider for any tooth with a live nerve.

Types of Internal Teeth Whitening

Depending on your personal needs and your dental health, you have two choices for internal dental bleaching procedures. The first, called chair side bleaching, takes place in Dr. Killian's office. After taking an x-ray to ensure the tooth's root canal filling is secure, Dr. Killian drills a small hole in the back of the tooth. He uses this hole to fill the tooth with bleaching crystals.

Once the whitening crystals are in place, you sit for a period of time, allowing the bleaching agent time to take effect. At the end of your appointment, Dr. Killian removes the bleaching agent and seals the hole. If necessary, repeated chair side bleaching treatments are possible.

Your second option is a "walking bleach" treatment. As with a chair side bleaching, Dr. Killian drills a hole in the back of the tooth, injects the whitening agent and seals the entry. You then leave the office and let the dental bleaching agent do its work as you go about your business. After a week you return to the office, where Dr. Killian removes the whitening agent and seals the entry hole.

Internal Dental Bleaching Considerations

Internal teeth whitening works well for teeth discolored by age, decay or medication use (antibiotics, such as tetracycline, are known to cause grey enamel staining).

As with external teeth whitening, internal dental bleaching has some limitations. If you had your root canal crowned with a tooth-colored crown, for instance, the brightened natural tooth material may not match the color of the crown. Like most cosmetic dentistry services, internal bleaching is not covered by most dental insurance plans.

Dental Bleaching Alternatives

If your tooth resists internal bleaching, Dr. Killian offers a number of options that will restore your smile. A single tooth's appearance can often be improved with a crown colored to match the surrounding teeth. Dental bonding, another cosmetic dentist service, uses the same composite resin that is used in tooth-colored fillings to cover tooth discoloration. You can also opt for veneers, thin layers of porcelain or composite resin that cover the front of the tooth.

Cosmetic Dentist Services in Carlisle, PA

If you're considering internal teeth whitening and live in the Carlisle, PA area, Dr. Killian offers top-notch treatments using the most recent advances in cosmetic dentistry. If you want to restore your smile to its original brightness and appearance, call our office for a consultation. We can help you achieve the smile you've always wanted!

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